Guacalillo beach cleaning

On November 22, the Santaneña Environmental Alliance had a campaign to raise awareness of what is happening with so much garbage that is reaching the oceans, Guacalillo beach has suffered in recent years, carelessness and neglect of the Central Valley population.
Today, the Environmental Alliance, together with the Municipality of Santa Ana, planted 50 trees in the area of protection of the northern bank of Quebrada Quebradillas, Matinilla, in the Salitral District. Sowing Matinilla 3.

Endangered animals

Costa Rica is home to more than 500,000 species of animals, of which, unfortunately, some of them are classified as threatened with extinction.

Our commitment to Sustainability

Our facilities have LED bulbs for energy saving and low-cost air conditioners, solar panels to heat water throughout the Hotel and also messages for guests and employees about energy saving.

Awareness towards Climate Change

We share the following videos of Climate Change in Costa Rica, taken from the website of the Costa Rica Climate Change Directorate...

Ecological Blue Flag – BAE

The Ecological Blue Flag is an award or badge that is awarded annually, which rewards the effort and voluntary work in the search for conservation and development, in accordance with the protection of natural resources.

Tourism Sustainability (CST)

CST is a program launched by the Tourism Board of Costa Rica, which seeks to certify tourism companies according to the grade to which their operation approximates a sustainability model.
The process of implementing requirements of the Certificate for Tourism Sustainability, motivated Studio Hotel to design and implement the Program for the integral management of water and the Program for the rational use of energy.

Responsible Tourism

Responsible Tourism is a practical guide, which aims to help you make your trip an enriching experience. The advice presented below is based on the World Code of Ethics for Tourism of the World Tourism Organization. 
“We work as a team to promote social, environmental and economic development through continuous improvement. Always available to our guest, offering timely solutions and promoting a culture of quality based on trained and motivated human capital..."